The latest news on alcohol testers

Welcome to our blog about everything related to breathalysers. We hope you find this information useful!

Perluso Webshop wordt AlcoSafe

Perluso Webshop becomes AlcoSafe

To serve our customers even better, Perluso Webshop was integrated into AlcoSafe. By joining forces, we can benefit even more from economies of scale. All customers of Perluso Webshop can still be...

Alcosafe goes GDPR

Alcosafe goes GDPR

PRIVACY POLICY UPDATE At P-Projects BV we are constantly working on improving our offer and our services. Just like our range that is constantly changing, it is now the turn of our privacy policy...

Alcosafe won de award: "Zet in op digitaal"!

Alcosafe won the award: "Bet on digital"!

At the merchant meeting, Hilde Duchi, Christ Verthé and Guy Platteau were honored as deserving Harelbeek merchants. congratulations to all three. Source: Martin Vandebuerie 08/03/2017

Strengere alcohollimiet

Stricter alcohol limit

The stricter alcohol limit for professional drivers will apply from January 1, 2015 . The maximum permitted alcohol concentration for truck and bus drivers (driving license categories C and D) is t...


The latest news and facts about alcohol testers!

Uw medewerker krijgt een verkeersongeval onder invloed na een bedrijfsfeestje. Bent u daar mee aansprakelijk voor?

Your employee has a traffic accident while intoxicated after a company party. Are you liable for that?

The end of the year and New Year period is the festive period par excellence. Perhaps a glass of wine will be served at your workplace at the end of the year or on the occasion of New Year's. Not...

Politie wil met vliegende brigades pakkans verhogen

Police want to increase the chance of being caught with flying brigades

Quickly warn via Twitter about an alcohol check? Forget it. During the new bob campaign, which starts at the end of this month, the police are focusing more than ever on flying brigades. With such...

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